Is It Safe?

Hello and welcome back to my blog! Today I”ll be talking about another article that I read online today,

The article was about how situations in India have improved to make the streets at both day and night safer for women. Things like women only compartments of trains, self defense classes, women only police, women security guards, and education for the public about gender equality.

Women of this new generation and as the internet expands, the society changes. New polices are put in place to help women and to change the “old thinking”. By having more women-run safety organizations, women can find a place where they feel safe and can report any issues they might be feeling. If a woman was to go to a police station to report a case of domestic violence, but every officer was a male, they would not be able to understand her point of view.

Image result for pink police india

The “Pink Police”, a all women police force located in Kerala, India.

Also helping people understand the importance of this by educating them, is extremely important. Many elders or people from previous generations, especially in rural parts of South Asia, still follow traditional ways and do not understand why women might need this type of support. In their eyes, if a woman was to experience harassment in public, it would be entirely her fault and she should keep quit to respect her family’s honor.

Though people might not understand at first, I believe that the only way to get people to understand is by educating them.


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