The Ladies Coupé (Part 2)

Welcome back to my blog! I have read more of my independent reading book, and I must say that it is truly amazing!

The main character is still on her way to her destination and we as the readers learn more about the other passengers and Akhilia’s personal story. The book continues to explore the different parts of South Asian culture and society. Akhilia explains how after her father’s death, she took over her household and did not have time to get into a relationship as a result of it. This was very surprising to me since from what I’ve experienced and heard. A girl or woman is rarely made in charge of a household. It’s usually the sons or other men figures in the family that take over the household responsibilities. Akhilia compared her situation to one of her neighbor, whose father also died. Her neighbor’s mother had to sell her daughter into prostitution to earn money as after the male figure gone from their life, they had no other choice.

This part of the novel explained how deeply rooted the idea of male authority is ingrained in this culture. Without a male figure in a woman’s life, she is worth nothing.


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