Women In South Asia: Focused Topic

For my project, I have explored a variety of topics, such as safety, education, and marriage in South Asian communities.

My focused question will be: “How have the traditional and modern ideas transformed South Asian women’s lives?”

The quality of life has definitely improved as new ideologies such as independence and being more career oriented have arose. But the old traditions such as marriage continue to stop women in South Asia to succeed and live life to its fullest.

I look forward to seeing which factors truly influence the day to day life of women in these communities.

One thought on “Women In South Asia: Focused Topic

  1. Good question. You should focus on that change but you can also focus on what still needs to happen. Remember you need to make YOUR OWN ARGUMENT. You can make an argument about hte positive changes but also that you believe x, y, and z still need to change to benefit their society and culture as a whole…


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