Current Situations in South Asia

Although the environment for women in South Asia has been changing over the last couple of years, there are still some places that are still strongly holding on to tradition. Tradition in this sense being expectations and rules enforced upon women in these areas. Where women cannot go to school and have a basic education because it costs too much money and “they are only girls” and don’t need schooling. Basically saying that girls and women are a waste of money. Where women cannot go outside without men constantly harassing them. Without the fear that they might get kidnapped, raped, or killed because of their gender. Where they are still being shamed for choosing a career over a family and children. Where they are still considered inferior and weak compared to men when in reality they are so much more. Where their own families disown them and or even kill them. Where still a son’s birth in the family is celebrated with “Ladoos” but a daughter’s is kept quiet. Where women are still seen as merely toys for men to play around with.

Why is it that women are seen less than men? Why are they treated so differently when we’re all just human?

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